Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Movie Recovery

Training for the ING New York City Marathon has entered the hardest stage for us back-of-the-packers here at Races in Places; last weekend's 16 miler kicked our good-up-to-13-miles-only butts!

For inspiration, we turn to our favorite running movies:

St. Ralph

We love Ralph's enthusiasm for running hills!

Run For Your Life

We loved this film at this year's Tribeca Film Festival and eagerly await it's DVD release. Sign up at their website for notification- you don't want to miss this inspiring film about Fred Lebow and the inception of the NYC Marathon!

Running the Sahara

We haven't actually seen this one yet, but according to IMDB, it will release to DVD next month. Chronicling 3 runners as they cross the Sahara desert to bring awareness to the water crisis in Africa, this film is sure to be an inspiration strong enough to get us through our dreaded 20 miler!


Anonymous said...

I'd like to add my favorite runner in a movie...Forrest Gump!!! He's the poster boy for Races in Places!!!

Races In Places said...

So true, anon!